12 Questions that will show who you are
21 Rules of Miyamoto Musashi
50 Life Lessons from an 80 Year Old Man:
A Day with Apache Beam and Dataflow
Add addEventListener on multiple elements with same class name
Adding a favicon to gatsby site
Adding Google Analytics to the site
Adding Spotify playlist to your gatsby site
Archiving current site to a subdomain
Atomic Habits
Backlog for Articles / Posts / Ideas - Version 2
Book - 100 to 1 in the Stock Market by Thomas W. Phelps
Book - The 5AM Club, Robin Sharma
Book - The TAO of Warren Buffett
Book - Warren Buffett Management Secrets
Books i wish to reread
BSE Weekly trend analysis using Pandas & Numpy
Caddy - Web Server
Calling NodeJS Functions from external files
Changing log level at runtime using Winston logger
Checklists are imporant
Class of Aswath Damodaran
Collection of questions asked to Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger
Conda - Miniforge
Connecting to mySQL from Python
Copying files from Google Cloud Storage to Local
Creating FAT aka Uber JAR with Maven
Creating pandas dataframes
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and CSURF module
Db2 - ABCs of Filter Factor
Db2 - Achieving Optimal Availability, Usability and Performance with UTS
Db2 - Beginners Guide to Locks, Latches, Claims and Drains
Db2 - PBR RPN explained(from IDUG)
Db2 Notes
Dennis Hong, how did you build ShawSpring Partners?
Deploying & Hosting in Firebase
Difference between querySelectorAll and getElementsByClassName
Eat that frog - Brian Tracy
Eclipse IDE Stuffs
Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday
Exporting Google Photos via Google Takeout
ExpressJS Favicon issue resolved by virtual path prefix
Favourite verses from Tao Te Ching(The Book Of The Way), Lao Tzu
Firebase - Server Error the specified payload is too large
Firebase basics and events
Firebase email verification
Firebase security and rules
Firebase Server side authentication
Gatsby Performance
GatsbyJS - Shadowing
GCP - Cloud Shell Quick Tips
Get seriously organized
Getting your email domain from Google domains
Git - Detected dubious ownership in repository
Git Theory - 1 - Origins story and terms
Git Theory - 2 - Basics
Git Theory - 3 - revert, reset and restore
Git Theory - 4 - Branching
Git Theory - 5 - Internals
Git Theory - 6 - Remote repository
Git Theory - 7 - Git Everyday
Google Cloud Storage
Hello BigQuery
Hello Cloud Functions(python)
Hello Firebase from Python
Hello World!
Hosting a site from Google Cloud Storage
How i made this site
How to Outwit Workplace Jerks, Bob Sutton
IAM and Service Accounts
Investing the Templeton way, Talks at google, Lauren Templeton
Investments and Portfolio Management Tactics, Brian Yacktman
JQuery - checkbox, calling functions and automatic passing of this
Jupyter notebook default startup directory in windows
JWT - Json Web Tokens usage in NodeJS
Law of attraction by Bob Proctor
Lead the field, Earl Nightingale
Learn anything in 20 hrs
Learnings from Mohnish Pabrai
Learnings from Peter Lynch
Learnings from Ray Dalio
Little mainframe shortcuts
Loading data into BigQuery using Python
Local or Client-side git hooks
Maven fundamentals
Mental Models
Migrating from Gatsby to Quartz
Migrating from GatsbyJS 2.16.2 to 3.9.0
Migrating from MySQL to MariaDB
Mind the Crap Gap by Karl Wiegers
Modularizing ExpressJS Routes and Middlewares
Moms Food - Gooseberry, Curry Leaves Juice
Moms Food - Vegetable Poriyal side dish
Mutton Biriyani cooking in tawa
mySQL - Finding slow queries using mySQLWorkBench
mySQL - Housekeeping basics
mySQL Partitions
MySQL Tips and Tricks
MySQL User-defined variables(UDV)
Naval Ravikant, The Angel Philosopher
NodeJS Middlewares
Notes - Google Site Reliability Engineering Book
Notes from GSE UK Conference 2021
Notes from Tedx
Notes on http, https, SSL, TLS and CA
Notes taken from listening to Alux Youtube Channel
NSE - Handling Symbol Change
NVM - Node Version Manager
Omam aka Ajwain aka Carom Seeds for Gastric Troubles
Organizing Firebase Functions
Personality development points from Jim Rohn
Peter Thiel's thoughts and views
Process to read file into dataframe
Psychological / Mind Traps
Puppeteer - Most likely the page has been closed
Python - Adding timestamp to images
Python Errors & Solutions
Python Nulls
Python pandas read_html()
Python playing with dates
Python profiling
Python simple command line arguments
Python tips
PyTip - Saving memory when reading CSV file in pandas
Quest for Wealth - Value Investor Education
Random Quotes
Redefining, what i want
ROBOCOPY - Windows Files Sync Tool
Rules of Life
Running, how it changed me
Saying no without feeling guilty
Scott Galloway - Advice to Make Millions in Your 30s and 40s
Scraping using Java Selenium
Secrets of Successful Project Management by Karl Wiegers
Shortcuts and Commands
Side projects
Sinking logs to BigQuery
SRE - Notes from youtube
Stash - Preview
Stock market terms
Stoic Lessons
Success habits from John Paul DeJoria
Synchronizing files with Google Cloud Storage
Testing mutual TLS using NodeJS
The Art of Investing, Talks at Google, François Rochon
The Education of a Value Investor, Talks at Google, Guy Spier
The great minds of investing, Google talks, William Green
The little book that beats the market, Talks at google, Joel Greenblatt
The Little Book that Builds Wealth, Pat Dorsey
The Most Important Thing - Origins and Inspirations, Talks at Google, Howard Marks
The Simple Path to Wealth, Talks at Google, JL Collins
The Ultimate Compounding Machine - Your Mind, Yen Liow
The Value of Stories in Business, Talks at Google, Aswath Damodaran
Things that my new site should have
Top quotes of Charlie Munger
Understanding SRE
Unix Shell Learnings
Upgrading gatsby site
Upgrading Java and Installing Maven
Using openSSL certificates in NodeJS
Viewing stocks as bonds, Talks at Google, Donald Yacktman
Warren Buffett
Wealth building with one thing & millionaire series, google talks, Jay Papasan
Wealth Is What You Don't Spend, Morgan Housel
What was that video that got deleted in youtube
Working the Djinn
You and Your Research, Dr. Richard W. Hamming
Tag: e-and-s
Tag: e-and-s
2 items with this tag.
Aug 08, 2020
Python Errors & Solutions
Apr 13, 2020
Connecting to mySQL from Python
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