Pandas dataframe is a 2D data structure which looks like a table. There are different ways to create a dataframe, mostly everybody sticks to few formats they like and stick to it, thats good. But, sometimes when you have a problem and you want somebody’s opinion or get a suggestion or solution, you cannot give all your code and ask them to execute and start explaining the problem. Its a lot easier if you could generate a small sample data and explain it and from suggestion/solution you could copy the concept to your main program.

Whenever you ask a question in StackOverflow or any forum and when preparing to ask the question itself, you would know that it would be a lot easier if you provided a sample data and say this the problem you are facing and this what i have tried, so far ? In python pandas world, you need to build small dataframes to build those examples.

Here are few ways of creating new dataframes and generating data.

  1. Empty dataframe
  2. Tuple technique
  3. Dictionary with value lists
  4. Array of Arrays / Lists of List
  5. Array of dictionary
  6. pd.Series to dataframe
  7. 8x4 dataframe with some random data
  8. Single column list of alphabets
  9. Dictionary to Dataframe
  10. Raw text to dataframe
  11. Dummy data : Generating a very big table

Empty dataframe
# Starting from empty dataframe 
df = pd.DataFrame()
names = ['Gandolf','Gimli','Frodo','Legolas','Bilbo']
types = ['Wizard','Dwarf','Hobbit','Elf','Hobbit']
magic = [10, 1, 4, 6, 4]
aggression = [7, 10, 2, 5, 1]
stealth = [8, 2, 5, 10, 5]
df['names'], df['type'], df['magic_power'] = names, types, magic
df['aggression'], df['stealth'] = aggression, stealth
Output : 
|    | names   | type   |   magic_power |   aggression |   stealth |
|  0 | Gandolf | Wizard |            10 |            7 |         8 |
|  1 | Gimli   | Dwarf  |             1 |           10 |         2 |
|  2 | Frodo   | Hobbit |             4 |            2 |         5 |
|  3 | Legolas | Elf    |             6 |            5 |        10 |
|  4 | Bilbo   | Hobbit |             4 |            1 |         5 |

Empty Dataframe with columns

df_mv = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['movie_id', 'name', 'short_description', 'plot', 'rating'])
Output : 
| movie_id   | name   | short_description   | plot   | rating   |
# When you add index, a null row will be added(meaning all columns will have null values)
df_mv = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['movie_id', 'name', 'short_description', 'plot', 'rating'], index=[0])
Output : 
|    |   movie_id |   name |   short_description |   plot |   rating |
|  0 |        nan |    nan |                 nan |    nan |      nan |
# Adding values 
df_mv.loc[0] = [1, 'Abyss', 'Higher form of intelligent aliens', 'aliens under the ocean', 9]
Output : 
|    |   movie_id | name   | short_description                 | plot                   |   rating |
|  0 |          1 | Abyss  | Higher form of intelligent aliens | aliens under the ocean |        9 |

Tuple technique

Here index is the first tuple variable

first   = ('Mike', 'Dorothee', 'Tom', 'Bill', 'Pete', 'Kate')
last    = ('Meyer', 'Maier', 'Meyer', 'Mayer', 'Meyr', 'Mair')
job     = ('data analyst', 'programmer', 'computer scientist', 
           'data scientist', 'programmer', 'psychiatrist')
language= ('Python', 'Perl', 'Java', 'Pithon', 'Pythen', 'Brainfuck')
data = list(zip(last, job, language)
Output : 
[('Meyer', 'data analyst', 'Python'),
 ('Maier', 'Web Developer', 'NodeJS'),
 ('Meyer', 'Enterprise Engineer', 'Java'),
 ('Mayer', 'Mainframe Developer', 'COBOL'),
 ('Meyr', 'Analyst', 'SAS'),
 ('Mair', 'psychiatrist', 'Brain Mechainic')]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns =['last', 'job', 'language'], index=first) 
Output : 
|          | last   | job                 | language        |
| Mike     | Meyer  | data analyst        | Python          |
| Dorothee | Maier  | Web Developer       | NodeJS          |
| Tom      | Meyer  | Enterprise Engineer | Java            |
| Bill     | Mayer  | Mainframe Developer | COBOL           |
| Pete     | Meyr   | Analyst             | SAS             |
| Kate     | Mair   | psychiatrist        | Brain Mechainic |
Note : Instead of a tuple, if it was a list, it would work in the same way. 

Dictionary with value lists
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
                   'B': ['foo', 'bar', 'bloo', 'blee', 'bloo'],
                   'C': ['green', 'red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'green']})
Output : 
|   A | B    | C      |
|   0 | foo  | green  |
|   1 | bar  | red    |
|   2 | bloo | blue   |
|   3 | blee | yellow |
|   4 | bloo | green  |

Array of Arrays / Lists of List
data = [['tom', 10], ['nick', 15], ['juli', 14]] 
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Name', 'Age']) 
Output : 
| Name   |   Age |
| tom    |    10 |
| nick   |    15 |
| juli   |    14 |

Array of dictionary
# Third item in array doesn't have key 'a'
data = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c':3}, {'a':10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30}
        , {'b': 2, 'c':3}] 
df = pd.DataFrame(data) 
Output : 
|   a |   b |   c |
|   1 |   2 |   3 |
|  10 |  20 |  30 |
| nan |   2 |   3 |
# 'a1' completely happens to be a new column
data = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c':3}, {'a':10, 'b': 20, 'c': 30}
        , {'b': 2, 'c':3}] 
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['a', 'a1', 'b', 'c']) 
Output : 
|   a |   a1 |   b |   c |
|   1 |  nan |   2 |   3 |
|  10 |  nan |  20 |  30 |
| nan |  nan |   2 |   3 |

pd.Series to dataframe
d = {'one' : pd.Series([10, 20, 30, 40], index =['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']), 
	'two' : pd.Series([10, 20, 30, 40], index =['d', 'c', 'b', 'a'])} 
df = pd.DataFrame(d) 
Output : 
|   one |   two |
|    10 |    40 |
|    20 |    30 |
|    30 |    20 |
|    40 |    10 |

8x4 dataframe with some random data
# Generates date 
dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=8)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 4), index=dates, columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
Output : 
|                     |          A |         B |         C |          D |
| 2000-01-01 00:00:00 | -1.05128   |  0.238627 |  0.106378 |  1.10883   |
| 2000-01-02 00:00:00 |  0.314559  |  1.8427   |  0.282821 | -1.47774   |
| 2000-01-03 00:00:00 | -0.638806  |  0.139111 |  1.08201  |  0.35632   |
| 2000-01-04 00:00:00 |  1.44253   | -0.113561 |  0.829517 |  0.581576  |
| 2000-01-05 00:00:00 | -1.40117   | -2.12707  |  0.127889 |  0.721586  |
| 2000-01-06 00:00:00 |  0.724627  |  0.186909 | -0.56129  | -0.528885  |
| 2000-01-07 00:00:00 | -0.0975346 | -0.343885 | -0.589784 |  0.0576514 |
| 2000-01-08 00:00:00 | -1.56196   |  0.343319 | -0.172569 | -0.232157  |

Single column list of alphabets
import string
df = pd.DataFrame({'alpha': list(string.ascii_lowercase)})
Output : 
|    | alpha   |
|  0 | a       |
|  1 | b       |
|  2 | c       |
|  3 | d       |
|  4 | e       |
|  5 | f       |
|  6 | g       |
|  7 | h       |
|  8 | i       |
|  9 | j       |
| 10 | k       |
| 11 | l       |
| 12 | m       |
| 13 | n       |
| 14 | o       |
| 15 | p       |
| 16 | q       |
| 17 | r       |
| 18 | s       |
| 19 | t       |
| 20 | u       |
| 21 | v       |
| 22 | w       |
| 23 | x       |
| 24 | y       |
| 25 | z       |

dictionary to Dataframe
data = {'row_1': [3, 2, 1, 0], 'row_2': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index',
                       columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
Output : 
|       | A   | B   | C   | D   |
| row_2 | a   | b   | c   | d   |
| row_1 | 3   | 2   | 1   | 0   |

Here we create dataframe from a complex dictionary

data = {"date":"2018-01-02","data":{"AAPL":{"open":"170.16","close":"172.26","high":"172.30","low":"169.26","volume":"25555934"}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
Output : 
|      | data                                                                                           | date       |
| AAPL | {'high': '172.30', 'volume': '25555934', 'close': '172.26', 'low': '169.26', 'open': '170.16'} | 2018-01-02 |
| MSFT | {'high': '86.31', 'volume': '22483797', 'close': '85.95', 'low': '85.50', 'open': '86.13'}     | 2018-01-02 |
df = pd.concat([df['date'],df['data'].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)
Output : 
|      | date       |   close |   high |    low |   open |   volume |
| AAPL | 2018-01-02 |  172.26 | 172.3  | 169.26 | 170.16 | 25555934 |
| MSFT | 2018-01-02 |   85.95 |  86.31 |  85.5  |  86.13 | 22483797 |

Raw text to dataframe
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    from StringIO import StringIO
    from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
DF1 = StringIO("""
Date       Fruit  Num  Color 
2013-11-24 Banana 22.1 Yellow
2013-11-24 Orange  8.6 Orange
2013-11-24 Apple   7.6 Green
2013-11-24 Celery 10.2 Green
DF2 = StringIO("""
Date       Fruit  Num  Color 
2013-11-24 Banana 22.1 Yellow
2013-11-24 Orange  8.6 Orange
2013-11-24 Apple   7.6 Green
2013-11-24 Celery 10.2 Green
2013-11-25 Apple  22.1 Red
2013-11-25 Orange  8.6 Orange
df1 = pd.read_csv(DF1, sep='\s+')
df2 = pd.read_csv(DF2, sep='\s+')
dfs_dictionary = {'DF1':df1,'DF2':df2}
print(tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql', showindex=True))
# Output
|            | Date       | Fruit   |   Num | Color   |
| ('DF1', 0) | 2013-11-24 | Banana  |  22.1 | Yellow  |
| ('DF1', 1) | 2013-11-24 | Orange  |   8.6 | Orange  |
| ('DF1', 2) | 2013-11-24 | Apple   |   7.6 | Green   |
| ('DF1', 3) | 2013-11-24 | Celery  |  10.2 | Green   |
| ('DF2', 0) | 2013-11-24 | Banana  |  22.1 | Yellow  |
| ('DF2', 1) | 2013-11-24 | Orange  |   8.6 | Orange  |
| ('DF2', 2) | 2013-11-24 | Apple   |   7.6 | Green   |
| ('DF2', 3) | 2013-11-24 | Celery  |  10.2 | Green   |
| ('DF2', 4) | 2013-11-25 | Apple   |  22.1 | Red     |
| ('DF2', 5) | 2013-11-25 | Orange  |   8.6 | Orange  |

Dummy data : Generating a very big table

Not sure how or when this would be useful, but you could do this as well.

import numpy as np
# Add more zeros, you can hit memory limit
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6000, 5000))
# Output 
(6000, 5000)
# Output 
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 6000 entries, 0 to 5999
Columns: 5000 entries, 0 to 4999
dtypes: float64(5000)
memory usage: 228.9 MB