Guy Spier

  • Graduated from Harvard Business School

  • Attended Anthony Robbins seminar opened a new way of looking at the world.

  • From that point started figuring out, rule for how to improve my life

  • Compounding Good-will

    • Compound interest is 8th wonder of the world.

    • Compound at any rate, over long period of time, it gets large very very quickly.

    • You can Compound goodwill over time and it gets large too.

    • Listen to Charlie Munger talk “24 standard causes of Human misjudgment”.

    • Schldein talks about psychology of human judgement - Power of reciprocation.

    I am slightly crazy in that way and when something grabs me, i just do it. Sometimes if it fascinates me, i do it with great intensity. So i set myself a goal of, i think 3 notes a day 5 days a week. Just kept sending it out.

    • Meeting good people is compounded by human good will you do yourself.
  • Power of Authencity

  • The idea of Resonance

    • Example on bathtub and rubber duck and start making some waves. Eventually you can get the whole bathtub moving in one single wave.
  • Great book by Holldobler and Wilson: Journey to the ants.

    • Thinking about the world as an ant colony or rainforest.
  • Fiction to say we are rational, we are rational in limited circumstances.

  • I think Im a better investor that I know I am not rational and this is something I have to deal with it and i have figure workarounds to make it better.

  • Anthony Robbins “Matching and Mirroring” or Mohnish Pabrai calls it Cloning.

    • Even if we do a small fraction of our ideal investor gets us where we need to be in terms of profits.
    • Still be yourself while modeling your ideal.
  • Conserve will power for things that count for example exercise in morning afterwards you cannot.

  • Create habits and behaviours that improve the probability that I will outperform the market.

NoteForMe : compare revenue, earnings and profit of companies in same sector may be read annual reports and get picture to sell or not

Guy’s investments rules

  1. Stop checking the stock prices
  2. If someone tries to sell you something - don’t buy it
  3. Don’t talk to management
  4. Gather investment research in right order
  5. Discuss investment ideas only with people who have no axe to grind
  6. Never buy or sell stocks when the market is open
  7. If a stock tumbles after you buy it don’t sell it for 2 years
  8. Dont talk about your current investments

If you take S&P during 2009, it was very skewed by some overvalued companies, its sort of Market Cap-weighted index. So more these companies were overvalued, more they had to be in the index, so if you are investing in the index, its more skewed towards the opposite of value investing. Find indexes which are not skewed by looking at ‘how the index is constructed’.

Asked warren buffett ‘How you deal with envy ?’

WB : I don’t know.

WB talks about ‘Inner scorecard’ idea. Work on something that gives you true joy.

Emotions are call to action.

Envy is a signal, to figure out something wrong in my life that i need to change. Fixing envy is by ensuring we go to bed everynight happy with what we did during the day. If we are not doing that, then we need to try really hard to get to doing that.

# How to be inspirational, Google talks, Monish & Guy Speir

  • Everybody should get their owner manual by the age of 10
  • Industrial psychologists for 360 review
  • Commitment to consistency. Commits me to certain values and they are great values to be committed to. But it also commits me to certain standard of behaviour.
  • When you are congruent and aligned with yourself, you don’t envy others.
  • Come to deliver values. It might not be a big deal to you but for other person it could be a big deal.

# Knowledge Session of Kolkata Investor Group with Mr. Guy Spier

Date : 15/Nov/2021

  • Tobacco & Lottery/Gambling - Zero-sum. Profits may get normalised.
  • Invest in companies that have Nobel mission
  • If there is high returns, somebody is getting ripped off
  • Invest in companies where it’s shareholders and everyone involved are happy. Eg: Coke, McD
  • When you create enormous value for you stakeholders, they will voluntarily lock-in into your business. Eventually companies like this control the ecosystem. Eg: Amazon for it low prices, Costco, Intel, Microsoft
  • Amazon is a non-zero sum as they can scale a supplier to markets where they had no access earlier.
  • Stock exchanges are sort of tech company monopoly
  • Some Networks are valuable as they grow and some top-out/saturate(like uber, lyft)

# Investing Prudently In Perilous Times w/ Guy Spier (RWH023)

Date : 09/April/2023

Unit of Economics

  • What is the Cost of customer acquisition
  • What is the lifetime value of customer

Warren sends money only to energy business and all the rest, use their own cashflow for their growth. Send excess cash back to Warren.

Guy doesn’t invest in VC funded business as most of that businesses gets cash from outside all the time. Internally generated cash is efficient business.

Resiliency costs

  • Semiconductors are made in Germany now
  • Mobile are manufactured in US not china

Stick with psychological pain longer and you will recover.

# My 8 Key Rules For Investing & Refining the Checklist Process

Date : 14/October/2024

Skier who wants to win the season has to make a very very difficult tradeoff because if he skis the fastest possible he increases the likelihood of injury and if he/she injures themselves then they’re not going to get to the end of the season.

In the in the Dynamics of the individual race there is enormous pressure to ski as fast as you can and take a hidden risk that you will get injured and when you win the race nobody says ‘oh my God! you took all these hidden risks that actually wasn’t optimal for the whole season’ and so there there are things that appear optim optimal from one perspective which are not optimal from another perspective

Often I think that we as investors get the perspective wrong and so you know if I was to go into the task of running a great fund and I try to put up really really good numbers but I take hidden risks to do it and then at the end of 5 years or at the end of n years I blow up and that happens constantly and consistently and so that that’s a big part of what makes it extraordinarily hard to have a long track record and especially a long track record that beats the index.

I think that what I figured out maybe a decade ago was that because it’s so hard to beat the index and because such a big proportion of the fund is is either IM immediate family myself or people that I know well uh and I’m not willing to take hidden risks in order to juice returns and then show up one year and be down permanently 50%.

Funnily enough as a guy who’s a active manager. I’ve driven myself to be incredibly passive because what I see and what what we all see at Berkshire Hathaway is that you can if you get the right businesses into your portfolio you can do extraordinarily well and when your intent is to be passive you free up an awful lot of brain Cycles to think about something else.

# References