What activities make you lose track of time?
- Reflect on the things you do that bring joy and make you forget the world around you.
What would you do if money were not an issue?
- Imagining a life without financial constraints helps reveal your true passions.
What are you naturally good at?
- Consider the skills and talents that come easily to you, even if you sometimes overlook them
What values do you prioritize in life?
- Consider the principles that guide your decisions and actions, and what you stand for.
What fears are holding you back?
- Identifying your fears can help you understand what may be stopping you from fulfilling your potential.
How would you like to be remembered by others?
- Think about the qualities, actions, and impact you want others to remember you by.
Who inspires you and why?
- Understanding who you look up to can help you uncover the qualities or values you aspire to embody.
What problems do you enjoy solving?
- Identify the challenges that excite you and make you feel purposeful when working on them.
What recurring dreams or goals do you have?
- Pay attention to any long-standing desires or visions that keep coming up in your life.
How do you want to contribute to the world?
- Ask yourself what kind of positive impact or legacy you want to leave behind.
What do people often come to you for advice about?
- Recognize the areas where others value your input, as they may indicate your natural strengths
What kind of lifestyle do you dream of having?
- Envision the life you desire, including where you live, how you spend your time, and who you surround yourself with.