This is a simple file Sync tool available in windows which is easy to use, it called robocopy.
Below are the options
Options | Description |
/l | Test |
/s | Sub directories |
/e | Copy including empty subdirectories |
/copyall | Copy all file properties |
/mir | mirror source and destination directories |
/purge | if you have deleted some files and directories in source and want to remove from destination |
/log:d:\tmp\robocopy-logs.txt | Saving output to log file |
/mt:32 | multi threaded copy to increase speed |
/v | Verbose logging will show skipped files |
-- Below command will show a preview of what will be synched
robocopy branchTest G:\testgit\branchTest /l /e /s
-- It will sync target as it is in Source. If you have deleted files from source, it will be deleted it the target
robocopy D:\BigData "G:\20220824 - BigData" /e /s /mir /purge /mt:32 /log:d:\tmp\robocopy-bigdata.txt
-- Source and Destination will be synched. If there are additional files in target, it will not be deleted.
robocopy "D:\Bobby's" "G:\BOBB" /e /s /mir /mt:32 /log:d:\tmp\robocopy-bobbys.txt
Thanks for reading