Rich will tell you to follow your passion, but you should follow your talent and then commit to developing Mastery and if you can develop Mastery in anything that has a 90+% employment rate, you are simply set for life.

In your 20s be wrong in your choices and find what you are good at. Work on your passionate stuffs on the weekends.

Less sexier the business, higher the return on investment.

The key to building a small business is retention because if you find good people you just don’t want them to be with you a year or two years and go to Google because the switching costs are enormous and if you find someone good your job as an entrepreneur or the CEO is just to create an environment where they will stick for longer. One of the source of retention is does that person has friend at work. If they do, less likely to leave. Now a days people will go for vacation together, cant do this in a bigger company but for small business its really powerful.

You are the answer to a firm’s problem, you can find someone, who you can love and is going to love you a great deal, the key is getting up, putting yourself in a place to success, getting out of the house, being friendly, being risk aggressive, surrounding yourself with people and exercise nutrition that makes you feel good about yourself such that when the winds kick up again your sales are up and I’ve always tried to do that um I’ve had a lot of failure but I was always had my sales up such that when the winds kicked up again I was in a position to rumble.

Opportunity is a function of density, get yourself to place crowded with success. If you are ambitious get to a city, if you want to be really successful, get to the biggest city in the nation. Economic growth are going to happen only in cities. When you play with competitive players your game elevates. Living in city is expensive which means you got to be really good at what you do and you’re surrounded by people who are going to inspire you and who are really will elevate your game

That’s all for now