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Backlog for Articles / Posts / Ideas

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Ideas are saved in reverse chronological order,

Article name : NodeJS Express
Date : 15/November/2020
Actioned on :
Category : nodejs
Content details : Dump your knowledge on nodejs which will be useful future references.

Article name : Docker Cheatsheet
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on :
Category : general
Content details : Dump Docker learnings

Article name : Site for Pictures
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on :
Category : general
Content details : So many VLC images and pictures. There should be a point for storing all those images. So create a site to put up all the images like Masonary Style with infinite scroll something like that.

Article name : Page for Feedback
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on :
Category : general
Content details : Create a separate page for feedback

Article name : Python : Melt & Pivot
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on :
Category : python
Content details : Notes on Melt & Pivot

Article name : Google Cloud Storage Sync up
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on :
Category : GCP
Content details : Script to regularly backup to GCS

Article name : Fan of
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on :
Category : general
Content details : Movies page was just a placeholder for a page, initiall didn't have any thoughts on what to put here. Now, i am going to put list of people/brand/company whom i follow (or) regularly read their blog posts (or) Watch their youtube channel

Article name : Home page : Update link from Music to Playlist
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on : Dropped. Not going with this. Let it be music itself
Category : general
Content details : This is to add more category like music, favourite playlists from YT or links to other websites

Article name : Python : Getting data from Quandal
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on :
Category : python
Content details : Retreiving Stock market data from quandal

Article name : Python : Downloading and Scraping
Date : 10/August/2020
Actioned on :
Category : python
Content details : This post will have multiple sections like

  • Scraping
  • Reading HTML table using Pandas

Article name : Embed youtube videos
Date : 26/April/2020
Actioned on :
Category : web-development
Content details : Embed youtube videos

Article name : Enable search bar
Date : 26/April/2020
Actioned on : CANCELLED
Category : web-development
Content details : Searching texts / blog titles
2020-11-15 : This task is being cancelled as there would be a bit of learning curve and i am occupied at the moment.

Article name : Stock market financial terms and definitions
Date : 18/April/2020
Actioned on :
Category : general
Content details : Repository of financial terms & definitions

Article name : IMDB Movie database analysis
Date : 18/April/2020
Actioned on :
Category : python, pandas
Content details : Download & analyze the movie database and find a method to extract movie names from files in your computer and check their ratings from the database.

Article name : Update music & video page
Date : 08/April/2020
Actioned on : 26/April/2020
Category : music
Content details : Use spotify music

Article name : Google Cloud Storage commands for regular use
Date : 08/April/2020
Actioned on : 10/April/2020
Category : cloud-shell, GCS
Content details : Article available here

Article name : my Git Stuffs
Date : 08/April/2020
Actioned on : 14/November/2020
Category : git
Content details : Article available here